Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christianity Statistics Historical Any Evidence Or Statistics To Show That Christianity Is Declining?

Any evidence or statistics to show that christianity is declining? - christianity statistics historical

I know that what happened in Europe.

What happens in Asia, America, Australia!


This is Not My Account said...

Christianity has always secondary to the sport in Australia. They are a lot more people in football or cricket on Sunday found in the church.

linoge1 said...

True Christianity is in decline since the 1960s because of his unpopular views "modern entertainment and social life. History repeats itself again. Christianity (was Protestant) killed in an almost complete standstill in the Middle Ages, but its peak during the next one hundred years. This is a matter of history repeating itself. Hope this helps

Mia said...

It seems to be declining slowly in the developed countries in general. I give you now some of the results of the investigation. ... ... = ... ...

The above are for the United States.
Australia: ...

The least developed countries, but tend to be religious. In South America is predominantly Catholic. Asia is a mix of Eastern religions and Islam, but Christianity has here, as the newest market has become for him.

The declines in the developed countries, but are usually present name, including the churches, not just liberal or long distance, as is the case, but the fundamentalist and evangelical members.

beait said...

Not too offensive, but I think it is.

For many Australians, much less zealous in their approach to religion, I've seen, but as a cultural, so that a mixture of several religions.

The same is true for Asian countries, and many Buddhists living there, and now that his situation is more TV people are more ways than one.

United States seems to be fast, but how long is all divine beings.

Nicole Saporta said...

Australia definitely think so.

But it is not like most Christians today are enshrined in all cases.

I believe that Christianity is a good game, but moral teaching.

In addition, a figure of God is within us to seek social integration, as we grow, so do not believe that Christianity never really die.

Pinch of Salt said...

I know nothing about any evidence to know directly from the statistics of decline, but it surprises me how many Christians call themselves "Christians" when they so clearly a deist or a pantheist. Especially when it comes to liberal Christians, I realized that Jesus is not so bad, and God is so vaguely defined and vague.

Dinah said...

linoge1 is apparently entirely unknown to history, do not exist as Protestantism and Luther. Ask your own faith first.

Atheism, agnosticism, not literal theism / deism is increasing in most Western countries, the neo-pagan movements of so many. In fact, neo-pagan "said Guelph is one of the fastest-growing U.S. --

King Leonidas said...

DrBNE: Are you sure that is to say what the statistics? How many Christians are killed every day? What is the population of the earth is rising every day?

You must be careful when using statistics.

In addition, the statistics are credible?

RockoRock EDIT: Some may be true, religion is very different. There are small classes, and nobody takes him seriously, "relaxed" a little crazy culture prevented successor lol.

EDIT: With a drop of 11 inches, no one agrees with you friend. Tool.

zombies!... said...

I believe that all religions at the present time, finally becoming a legend and will be replaced by the new religions in the distant future. I doubt that Christianity is reduced so much in my life.

rockoroc... said...

Australia is a small American dog problems America on religious or non-government organizations in Australia, as the U.S. does not

Eros said...

Is in place in the world such as Africa south of Sahara 3 low level of education, where they now have a good old Christian witch-hunt style, etc.

free spirit said...


My God Reigns said...

I'm pretty sure that is growing at a faster pace, it was not, and then decreases.

Jesus Shat said...

Dear God, I hope. I pray for a decline since 1999.

roberto said...

do not worry. not the truth, now works.

Drbne said...

There is increasing.

Since 2005, Christianity has won more than 30 million new fans every year. 7 million more per year than any other religion.

A simple Google search to find statistics about how I used to post all here.

"Christianity is on or off?

EDIT ** "300" fanboy "I will not answer in the incredible journey around the world to collect statistics, apologize, and then back here to this question. I have hand tools and searched on Google with a question does not hurt" Christianity rises or falls. I come to the conclusion, based on Google search, which grew to Christianity. I told her to check them.

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